Green Bear Group ideated, designed and executed a digital booklet for the NHL, to reach out to all the teams to increase participation in NHL Green Week. Green Bear Group was able to bring to life specific actionable items that helped teams get the ball rolling and create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly league.
Putting environmental programs and initiatives front and center.
NHL Green Week
Green Bear played a pivotal role in designing a simple way to communicate actionable steps and ideas to help make NHL Green Week 2017 a massive success. Laying out marketing efforts and initiatives to get the league involved was only the beginning.

Taking Action.
In support of NHL Green Week, Green Bear put together a fully digital booklet to promote participation across the league. This enabled the NHL to more fully utilize the NHL Recycle the Game donation nets provided to clubs for NHL Green Week.
Players, fans and managers were all encouraged to participate in donating equipment along with promoting recycled resources to keep the hockey rinks green.